10. Optionally, disable the WiFi broadcast or set up a WiFi activity schedule by selecting
one of the following radio buttons:
Always ON: When you set up an SSID, you are creating a new VAP. By default,
the new VAP is enabled and the Always ON radio button is selected.
Always OFF: Select this radio button to set up the SSID but temporarily disable
the VAP.
Custom: Select this radio button to set up a broadcast schedule. An icon displays
to the right of the radio button. Do the following:
a. Click the icon next to the radio button.
A pop-up window displays.
b. Either select a predefined time from the Preset menu or select custom time
blocks by clicking the time blocks.
A blue color for a time block indicates that the VAP will be enabled (on). A
gray color for a time block indicates that the VAP will be disabled (off).
c. Click the Done button.
The pop-up window closes.
For each SSID, you can create a single custom schedule. In that schedule, for
each day from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., you specify the time or times that the
VAP is disabled.
11. Optionally, select a single radio band only.
Select a radio button for a single band (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz) or keep the default
selection. By default, the Both radio button is selected, which lets the access point
broadcast the SSID on both bands.
12. Optionally, enable band steering with 802.11k radio resource management (RRM)
and 802.11v WiFi network management.
By default, band steering with 802.11k RRM and 802.11v WiFi network management
is disabled for the VAP.
To enable band steering with 802.11k RRM and 802.11v WiFi network management,
select the Enable radio button. Doing so allows the access point, under certain
channel conditions, to steer WiFi devices that are dual-band capable to the 2.4 GHz
or 5 GHz band of the VAP. Compared to the 2.4 GHz band, generally more channels
and bandwidth are available in the 5 GHz band, causing less interference and allowing
for a better user experience.
802.11k RRM and 802.11v WiFi network management affect the network in the
following ways:
802.11k RRM: This feature lets the access point and 802.11k-aware clients
dynamically measure the available radio resources. In an 802.11k-enabled
User Manual
Manage the Basic WiFi Features
for a WiFi network
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX5400 Access Point Model WAX628