[6]Maintenance 5.
5. Flushing Out the Water System
Flush out the water system in the way described below at least once a day before
treatment. This is especially important if the unit has not been used for a day or
more such as after a holiday.
>> Water that has been sitting in the warmer tank or the tubes degrades in quality
and must be flushed out.
Flush out the various water systems everyday before treatment. Turn on
the main switch and follow the procedure described below.
(1)Using the Flushing Device*
Set up the flushing device and flush out the various systems.
Refer to section [5] 7. (1) in this manual.
(2)Manual Flushing
Flushing can also be performed manually.
Do not fail to start from step 1 and follow the pro-
cedure exactly; otherwise the flushing procedure
will not be performed efficiently.
The times for flushing each system (see chart to
the right) are predicated on the amount of water in
the system.
Longer flushing times are recommended to include
the water in the main line leading to the treatment
1) Auto Filler Flushing
a) Put a cup in place and fill it.
b)Empty the cup and refill it. Repeat 8 times.
c)The manual cup switch can also be used. In this case hold the
switch down for 1 minute.
2)Three-way Syringe Flushing
Do both the doctor’s and the assistant’s at the same time.
a)Hold the nozzles over the basin and run water through the syringes
for at least 1 minute.
Estimated Flushing Times
System Time
Auto Filler
Three-way Syringe 1 min
Air Turbine
Micromotor 2 min
Ultrasonic Scaler 3 min