13. Program Support Functions
13.2 Special Fixed Cycle
13.2 Special Fixed Cycle; G34, G35, G36, G37
Function and purpose
The special fixed cycle is used with the standard fixed cycle. Before using the special fixed cycle,
program the fixed cycle sequence selection G code and hole machining data to record the hole
machining data. (If there is no positioning data, the fixed cycle will not be executed, and only the
data will be recorded.)
The axis is positioned to the hole machining position when the special fixed cycle is executed. The
hole machining operation is executed with the canned cycle for hole machining.
Even after the special fixed cycle is executed, the recorded standard fixed cycled will be held until
If the special fixed cycle is designated when not in the fixed cycle mode, only positioning will be
executed, and the hole drilling operation will not be done.
If the special fixed cycle is commanded without commanding the fixed cycle for hole machining,
positioning will be executed following the current 01 group modal G code.