13. Program Support Functions
13.23 3-dimensional Coordinate Conversion; G68.1/G69.1
(2) Example of machining program using fixed cycle
In the following program, the bolt hole cycle (N08 block) executed on the top of the workpiece
is also carried out on the side of the workpiece. By using 3-dimensional coordinate conversion,
the side can be cut with the same process (N18 block).
N01 G90 G00 X0 Y0 Z0;
Position to the workpiece coordinate system's 1st
workpiece zero point.
N02 F2000;
N03 G00 X100. Y100. Z-600.;
Move to (100, 100, -600) with rapid traverse.
N04 G52 X100. Y100. Z-600.;
Set the local coordinate system to the (100, 100, -600)
N05 G00 X100. Y10. Z 200.;
Move to the local coordinate system (X',Y',Z')'s (100, 10,
200) position with rapid traverse.
N06 G91;
Incremental value command
N07 G81 Z-10. R5. L0 F2000;
N08 G34 X100. Y200. I90. J270. K10.;
Bolt hole cycle
N09 G80;
Drilling cancel
N10 G91 G00 X-200.;
Move -200 from machining end point to X axis direction
with rapid traverse.
N11 G90 G52 X0 Y0 Z0;
Cancel local coordinate system.
N12 G90 G00 X0 Y0 Z0;
Position to workpiece zero point.
N13 G00 X100. Y100. Z-400.;
Move to (100, 100, -400) with rapid traverse.
N14 G68.1 X100. Y100. Z-400. I0 J1 K0
Set G68.1 program coordinate system (X", Y", Z") to
position r90° in Y axis direction using (100, 100,
-400) position as center.
N15 G00 X100.Y10. Z200.;
Move to (100, 10, 200) position in G68.1 program
coordinate system with rapid traverse.
N16 G91;
Incremental value command
N17 G81 Z-10. R5. L0 F200;
N18 G34 X100.Y200. I90. J270. K10.;
Bolt hole cycle
N19 G80;
Drilling cancel
N20 G91 G00 X-200.;
Move -200 from machining end point to X axis direction
with rapid traverse.
N21 G69.1;
Cancel 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal.
N22 M02;
End program.
O (0,0,0)
+ Y
+ X
O' (100,100,-600)
O" (100,100,-400)