13. Program Support Functions
13.17 High-speed High-accuracy Control; G05, G05.1
(2) Acceleration clamp speed
With the cutting feed clamp speed during the high-speed high-accuracy control 2 mode, when
the following parameter is set to "1", the speed is clamped so that the acceleration generated
by each block movement does not exceed the tolerable value. This function clamps the speed
optimally even at a section where "angle change at each block is small but entire curvature is
large" such as shown below.
The tolerable acceleration value is calculated from the parameter "#1206 G1bF" and "#1207
G1btL" setting values. (Tolerable acceleration = #1206/#1207)
Related parameter
#8034 AccClampt
0: Clamp the cutting speed with parameter "#2002 clamp"
or the corner deceleration function.
1: Clamp the cutting speed with acceleration judgment.
Speed control by curvature
If the tool moves along the large curvature
section without deceleration, a large
acceleration is generated resulting in a path
error by curving inward.
When a speed is set in "#2109 Clamp(H-precision)", clamp is executed at that speed.
When the setting value is 0,clamp is executed with "#2002 clamp".
(3) Corner deceleration in high-speed mode
During high-accuracy control, if the angle is large between the adjacent blocks in the
machining program, this function, conventionally, automatically decelerates so that the
acceleration generated when passing through the corner is within the tolerable value. If a small
block is inserted at the corner section in the machining program generated with the CAM, etc.,
the corner passing speed will not match the periphery. This can affect the machining surface. If
this type of small block is inserted when performing corner deceleration in the high-speed
mode, the corner will be largely judged by the parameter settings. The small block is excluded
when the angle is judged, but is not excluded from the actual movement command.
Related parameter
0: Judge the corner from the angle of the neighboring block.
1: Judge the corner from the angle of the neighboring block,
excluding the minute blocks.
Exclude shorter block than this setting value.
When "#8036 CordecJudge" is set to "1",
corner deceleration is realized without an
influence of fine blocks.
High-speed mode corner deceleration