6. Interpolation Functions
6.11 Exponential Function Interpolation; G02.3, G03.3
Precautions for programming
(1) When G02.3/G03.3 is commanded, interpolation takes place with the exponential function
relational expression using the start position of the linear axis and rotation axis as 0.
(2) Linear interpolation will take place in the following cases, even if in the G02.3/G03.3 mode.
The feedrate for linear interpolation will be the F command in that block. (Note that the normal
F modal is not updated.)
The linear axis designated with the parameter (#1514 expLinax) is not commanded, or the
movement amount for that axis is 0.
The rotation axis designated with the parameter (#1515 expRotax) is commanded.
(3) A program error will occur if the following commands are issued in G02.3 or G03.3 mode. A
program error will also occur if G02.3 or G03.3 command is issued in the following modes.:
Tool length compensation
(A program error will occur only when the compensation starts at the same time as the
movement by exponential function interpolation. The tool length compensation will operate
normally if it has started before the G02.3/G03.3 mode starts.
Tool radius compensation
High-speed high-accuracy control
High-speed machining
Tool length compensation along tool axis
Figure rotation
Coordinate rotation by program
Coordinate rotation by parameter
3-dimentional coordinate conversion
(4) A program error (P481) will occur if commands are issued during the pole coordinate
interpolation, cylindrical interpolation or milling interpolation modes.
(5) Program error (P612) will occur if commands are issued during the scaling or mirror image.
(6) Program error (P34) will occur if commands are issued during the high-speed high-accuracy
control II.
(7) G02.3/G03.3 will function with asynchronous feed even during the synchronous feed mode.
(8) If the parameter "#1515 expRota" setting is the same axis name as the initial C axis, the axis
selected with the C axis selection signal will interpolate as the rotation axis.