13. Program Support Functions
13.18 Spline; G05.1
13.18 Spline; G05.1
Function and purpose
This function automatically generates a spline curve that passes through a sequence of points
commanded by the fine segment machining program, and interpolates the path along this curve.
This allows highly accurate machining at a high speed.
The spline function can be commanded when the machining parameter "#8025 SPLINE ON" is set
to 1 in the high-speed high-accuracy control function II mode (between G05P10000 and G05P0).
The following explanation is limited to the spline function in the high-speed high-accuracy control
function II mode.
Command format
G05.1Q2X0Y0Z0 ;
Spline mode ON
G05.1Q0 ;
Spline mode OFF
Example of program
G91 ;
G05 P10000 ; .......................... High-speed high-accuracy control function II mode ON
G05.1 Q2 X0 Y0 Z0 ; ............... Spline mode ON
G01 X1000 Z-300 F1000 ;
X1000 Z-200 ;
Y1000 ;
X-1000 Z-50 ;
X-1000 Z-300 ;
G05.1 Q0 ; ............................... Spline mode OFF
G05 P0 ;................................... High-speed high-accuracy control function II mode OFF
(1) The spline function carries out spline interpolation when the following conditions are all
satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, the spline function is canceled once, and
it is judged whether to carry out new spline from the next block.
When the block length is shorter than the machining parameter "#8030 MINUTE LENGTH".
When the movement amount is not 0.
When one of the following modes is entered.
G01: Linear interpolation, G40: Tool compensation cancel, G64: Cutting mode,
G80: Fixed cycle cancel, G94: Per minute feed
When only an axis commanded with G05.1Q2 is commanded.
Graphic check is not being carried out.
A single block is not being executed.
(2) Command the axis for the spline function mode following G05.1Q2. Note that the command
and G05.1Q2. must be in the same block. For example, if the X axis and Y axis are to be
commanded in the spline function mode, command "G05.1Q2X0Y0;". The command block
containing an axis not designated with this command (G05.1Q2X0Y0) in the spline function
mode will carry out linear interpolation instead of spline interpolation.