6. Interpolation Functions
6.10 Polar Coordinate Interpolation; G12.1, G13.1
(8) Hole drilling axis in the hole drilling fixed cycle command during the pole coordinate
Hole drilling axis in the hole drilling fixed cycle command during the pole coordinate
interpolation is determined with the linear axis parameter (#1533).
#1533 setting value
Hole drilling axis
Z (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as XY plane)
X (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as YZ plane)
Y (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as ZX plane)
Blank (no setting)
Z (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as XY plane)
(9) Shift amount in the G76 (fine boring) or G87 (back boring) command during the pole
coordinate interpolation
Shift amount in the G76 (fine boring) or G87 (back boring) command during the pole
coordinate interpolation is determined with the linear axis parameter (#1533).
#1533 setting value
Center designation command
I, J (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as XY plane)
J, K (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as YZ plane)
K, I (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as ZX plane)
Blank (no setting)
I, J (pole coordinate plane is interpreted as XY plane)
Restrictions and precautions
(1) The program cannot be restarted (resumed) for a block in pole coordinate interpolation.
(2) Before commanding pole coordinate interpolation, set the workpiece coordinate system so
that the center of the rotation axis is at the coordinate system zero point. Do not change the
coordinate system during the pole coordinate interpolation mode. (G50, G52, G53, relative
coordinate reset, G54 to G59, etc.)
(3) The feedrate during pole coordinate interpolation will be the interpolation speed on the pole
coordinate interpolation plane (orthogonal coordinate system).
(The relative speed with the tool will be converted with pole coordinate conversion.)
When passing near the center of the rotation axis on the pole coordinate interpolation plane
(orthogonal coordinate system), the rotation axis side feedrate after pole coordinate
interpolation will be very high.
(4) The axis movement command outside of the plane during pole coordinate interpolation will
move unrelated to the pole coordinate interpolation.
(5) The current position displays during pole coordinate interpolation will all indicate the actual
coordinate value. However, the "remaining movement amount" will be the movement amount
on the pole coordinate input plane.
(6) The pole coordinate interpolation mode will be canceled when the power is turned ON or reset.
(7) A program error (P484) will occur if any axis commanded for pole coordinate interpolation has
not completed zero point return.
(8) Tool radius compensation must be canceled before the pole coordinate interpolation mode
can be canceled.
(9) When the pole coordinate interpolation mode is canceled, the mode will change to the cutting
mode, and the plane will return to that selected before pole coordinate interpolation.
(10) A program error (P486) will occur if the pole coordinate interpolation command is issued
during the mirror image.