13. Program Support Functions
13.12 Macro Interrupt; ION, IOF
Refer to the Setup Manual for details on the setting methods.
(1) Subprogram call validity "#1229 set 01/bit 0"
1 : Subprogram type user macro interrupt
0 : Macro type user macro interrupt
(2) Status trigger mode validity "#1112 S_TRG"
1 : Status trigger mode
0 : Edge trigger mode
(3) Interrupt type 2 validity "#1113 INT_2"
1 : The executable statements in the interrupt program are executed after completion of
execution of the current block. (Type 2)
0 : The executable statements in the interrupt program are executed before completion of
execution of the current block. (Type 1)
(4) Validity of alternate M code for user macro interrupt control "#1109 subs_M"
1 : Valid
0 : Invalid
(1) If the user macro interrupt program uses system variables #5001 and after (position
information) to read coordinates, the coordinates pre-read in the buffer are used.
(2) If an interrupt is caused during execution of the tool radius compensation, a sequence number
(G23 H__;) must be specified with a command to return from the user macro interrupt program.
If no sequence number is specified, control cannot return to the main program normally.