Broadcast Settings
If the NTP time should be distributed in Broadcast mode in a local network, you can enter a valid broad-
cast address into this menu. Please note: starting with NTP4 version, the broadcast mode must always be used
with authentication.
Broadcast Address:
A valid broadcast address of a local network, to which the LANTIME is connected must be entered here.
Broadcast Interval:
The interval at which the server sends the NTP packets to the configured broadcast address.
Symmetric Keys:
In this field you can enter the ID of a symmetric key, which is to be used for authentication with the NTP clients.
The following must be respected, to make the authentication work:
The NTP key file of the server must contain the ID. You can edit the key file in the submenu
NTP Symmetric Keys" on the NTP page.
Additionally you must enter the ID into the field "Trustable Keys" under "NTP
General Settings".
The same key with the same ID must be configured on the NTP client.
The following is an excerpt from the NTP configuration of a client, which is configured as a broadcast client
with authentication:
keys /etc/ntp.key # Path to the NTP Key File
trustedkey 1 # The Key ID, which is used for the authentication
broadcastclient # This client works as a broadcast client
Date: 2nd July 2020
LANTIME CPU Expansion Shelf