Page 93 P/N 03521015 Rev U1
Bio-Medical Devices Intl
17171 Daimler Street Irvine, CA 92614 800-443-3842 www.maxair-systems.com
7. Hold Hood in one hand with lens
towards helmet. Attach one side Hood-
Lens attachment hole to respective
Helmet side attachment post.
8. Attach center Hood-Lens align-
ment hole over Helmet center
alignment post.
9. Attach other Hood-Lens attach-
ment hole to other Helmet side
attachment post.
audible click
will occur
when the side
are made
For very small stature
wearers the Hood Shroud
may fit too loosely, and the
2270-06SM may be more
10. Holding the Helmet securely on
head, grasp back bottom of Hood
Skirt and pull up, over, and down
below Helmet in back.
11 Continuing process of 11, pull Hood
all the way down so that Hood Filter
(blue) is fully down on Helmet.
12. Ensure all Filter (blue) wrinkles
above front of Lens are re-
moved by holding shroud
in front below lens and in back
below filter and pulling down firmly.
15. Ensure Hood Skirt is fully down on all
Secure Neck ties to within about 1/2
inch of neck.
Secure body ties around waist area.
13. Initiate donning of Heavy Loading
Filter (HLF) by tucking back bottom
up under back bottom of Helmet
14. Complete donning of HLF by pull-
ing down rear-to-front and securing
front bottom on Hood front velcro
strips (both sides in front).