Page 67 P/N 03521015 Rev U1
Bio-Medical Devices Intl
17171 Daimler Street Irvine, CA 92614 800-443-3842
For persons with medium to large faces, start with the 2365-02ML DLC. For persons with a very small face,
start with the 2365-02SM DLC.
The DLC Cuff side must face to the inside of the Helmet; the Lens side must face to the outside of the Helmet.
Assembly - before donning the Helmet
1. Obtain the appropriate DLC from
the DLC dispensing box.
2. Align FCC front TurnClip horizontally, snap the DLC Front Alignment Hole
over the TurnClip, position TurnClip vertically to lock DLC in place.
3. Align and snap one DLC Side
Attachment Hole over the
respective FCC Side Attachment
4. Align and Snap the other DLC Side
Attachment Hole over the FCC Side
Attachment Post.
5. Pull the DLC Peel Tab up, over
and to the left to remove the Lens
Protective Cover off the Lens.