LCR.iQ - Setup and Operations Manual
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Add to a Preset
If you have started a preset delivery and you need to add to the amount, or if you are using
the multiple preset type option, it is possible to add to or append the preset amount. Simply
press the
key, then press the
key and a prompt will be shown on the screen to
enter a new preset volume. Once the new volume is entered, press
to accept the change
and then press the
button to continue fueling.
Selecting a Preset Type
When selecting a preset type, it is important to know how the register will be used in the
preset process. There are 3 options when selecting a preset type:
, and
. The best way to describe each is by example.
Clear a Preset
If you are currently using a mechanical preset, the clear option will best match this
functionality. A clear preset allows the user to set up a preset amount for a specific delivery.
Using the LCR.iQ keypad, enter the desired preset value by pressing the preset key or if using
the delivery setup mode, enter a preset when prompted. Once the preset is entered and the
delivery is started, the LCR.iQ will deliver the set preset amount and complete the delivery
once the amount is reached. With electronic registration this means that the end of delivery
command will be generated and if applicable, the completed delivery ticket will be generated.
This action will set the preset field back to zero (Clear) so the register is ready for the next
delivery. If the next delivery also requires a preset, the user will need to enter a new preset
amount following the same steps.
Retain a Preset
If you are planning to use the LCR.iQ for batching, the retain preset is the best option for this
process. Retain preset allows the user to set a preset amount on the register and retain that
amount from delivery to delivery, each time issuing an end of delivery command and resetting
the delivery amount back to zero but retaining the preset amount. The preset amount will be
retained until an operator sets a new preset mount or sets the preset back to zero for no