ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
Page 15 of 261
Remote Management
Remote Management over fiber allows access to the remote device to obtain status, actively configure
remote device features, and perform remote device firmware upgrades.
A typical remote management scenario is shown below.
Figure 6: Typical Remote Management Application
In the figure above, devices from Customer A to Customer E can all be remotely managed via the ION
A remote S6010 device is connected with local C6010 device through the fiber link, with a specific
channel on the fiber link reserved and used for the management traffic. This management channel is in-
dependent of the TDM payload channels; the management channel and TDM payload channels will not
impact each other.
The x6010 Remote Management (RM) protocol lets applications exchange management traffic between
local C6010 and remote S6010 devices. The RM protocol provides the interaction protocol for Packet
Handling, BC Packet TX/RX and Remote Packet TX/RX. The RM protocol provides transparent packet for-
warding on the C6x10 and packet TX/RX redirection on the S6x10, eliminating the differences
between the C6x10 and S6x10 for the IONMM and its upper layer applications.
Note that the current ION platform supports up to one level of x6010 device remote management.
Version 1.2.6 of the x6010 Series supports the management of a C6010 when installed in an unmanaged
ION chassis. Management is supported by another C6010 installed in a managed chassis when the two
are linked together via a fiber cable. Version 1.2.6 also supports remote firmware upgrades of a C6010 in
an unmanaged chassis. See the Release Notes for known Feature limitations.