ION x6010 User Guide
33493 Rev. F
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Applicable Standards and RFCs
The x6010 complies with the following hardware standards:
ANSI T1.102, T1.403, and T1.408
ITU I.431, G.703, G.736, G.775, and G.823
ETSI 300-166, 300-233, and TBR12/13
AT&T Pub 62411
Regulatory Compliance for Emission: EN 55035/EN55032 Class A, FCC Class A; CE, UKCA, UL
Regulatory Compliance for Immunity: EN55024
Safety Compliance: Unit: UL listed, CE Mark
In T1 mode, declaring/clearing AIS detection complies with ANSI T1.231. In E1 mode, declar-
ing/clearing AIS detection complies with ITU G.775 or ETSI 300233, as selected.
The x6010 complies with the following IETF RFCs:
HTTP protocol: IETF RFC 2616
SNMP protocol: IETF RFC 1157, RFC 1158, and RFC 2578
TFTP protocol: IETF RFC 1350
Feature Descriptions
The x6010 features are described in the following sub-sections.
AIS (Alarm Indication Signal)
The x6010 provides AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) support.
When the x6010 detects a signal lost or framing lost on one port’s receiving direction, it will send out an
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) through another port to alert the receiving end that a segment of the end-
to-end link has failed at a logical or physical level.
The x6010 will generate the AIS by transmitting all ones (TAOS).
You can enable or disable AIS transmit on each x6010 port via the Web interface, FocalPoint (FP), and
the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Converter A
Copper Port
Fiber Port
Device A
Converter B
Copper Port
Fiber Port
Device B
(1) Copper Port in End Device A detects a signal lost
(2) End Device A transmits AIS signal through Fiber Port to End Device B
Figure 2: Typical AIS Application