Chapter 5
RA83/84/85/93/94/95 Series
Basic Operation
Operation Manual
000.0 TRUE
045.0 TRUE
Head Up, Relative Motion
Ship’s position and heading line are always
fixed to the screen center and 0 degree of the
bearing scale, respectively. Bearings of the
objects displayed on the screen are relative to
ship’s heading. When own ship changes her
course, all displayed objects will move in
azimuth, accordingly. (Bearing Un-stabilized)
True Motion (N UP TM)
Own ship and each target moves with its true
motion on the radar screen. When own ship
reaches 2/3 of the screen radius, it is reset
backwards to a specified point to repeat the
display. To achieve the True Motion display, a
bearing sensor and a speed sensor must be
connected to the radar system to provide true
bearing and true speed information.
000.0 REL
North Up, Relative Motion (N UP RM)
Own ship’s position is fixed to the center of the
screen, meanwhile, the azimuth bearing scale
is stabilized in which true north refers to the
cursor scale of 000.0 degree. When own ship
changes her course, all displayed objects will
stay stationary in azimuth, accordingly.
(Bearing stabilized) To allow the bearing to be
stabilized, the true bearing data must be
provided from a bearing sensor such as a
045.0 TRUE
000.0 TRUE
045.0 TRUE.
Course Up, Relative Motion (C UP RM)
The picture mode is the same as the North Up,
Relative Motion mode except, the ship’s
intended course pointed by the ship’s heading
line is brought to top of the display.