Chapter 5
RA83/84/85/93/94/95 Series
Basic Operation
Operation Manual
APPENDIX 2: Receiving the Radar Beacons and SARTs
The X-band radar system is required to be capable of receiving signals emitted from a
Radar Beacon and a SART (Search and Rescue Transponder). To receive those
signals by the radar system, use the following procedures.
(1) Set the range scale to 6 or 12 NM.
(2) Turn off the Interference Rejection function from DISP/ECHO/IR menu item.
Refer to Para. 6.1.2 “IR (Interference Rejection).
(3) In case the radar picture is obscured with too many echo signals, detune the
receiver a little for better observation.
(4) When your vessel approaches the transmitting Radar Beacon or the SART, the
echoes will become blurred in an arc. For better observation of those signals,
adjust the Gain, Anti-clutter Sea and RAIN controls, as appropriate.
About SART
According to the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems) requirement,
the IMO/SOLAS class ships must be equipped with a SART. When a ship is in distress,
a signal will be automatically emitted from the SART so that other ships and/or
aircrafts can identify its location. When your ship carrying the X-band radar comes
within 8 miles of a ship in distress, the SART picks up the radar signal and responds to
it. The signal consists of 12 sweeps and is emitted in the frequency range of 9.2 GHz
through to 9.5 GHz. The SART has two sweep times that switch from slow sweep (7.5
us) to fast sweep (0.4 us) and vice versa, according to the distance. When the radar
receives this signal, a line of 12 dots, which is equally spaced at about 0.64 NM,
appears on the screen. The nearest blip of the SART indicates the location of the ship
in distress. When your vessel comes within 1 NM to the SART, a fast sweep signal is
displayed on the radar and a thin line connects the 12 blips.
Actual location of the ship carrying the SART
If your vessel is located at 1 NM or more away from the SART, the position at which
the first echo is displayed is 0.64 NM behind the actual SART position when the 12
SART echoes are identified. If your vessel comes within 1 NM from the SART, the fast
sweep signal is indicated. The position of this echo is displayed 150 meter beyond the
actual SART position.