Operation Manual
General Descriptions
Chapter 1 General Descriptions
1.1 Outline of the equipment
The RA83/84/85/93/94/95 Series of radar is designed and manufactured to meet the
IEC technical standards, shown below.
IEC 60945 4
Edition 2002, General
IEC 60872-2 and 3: EPA and ATA
IEC 61162-1: Digital Interface
The equipment is composed of two units, the antenna and the processor. The antenna
unit comprises a 4 ft or 6 ft aerial, which is mounted on the transceiver unit of either
6kW (For RA83/93) or 12 kW (For RA84/94), 25 kW (For 85/95) type. The 4 foot and 6
foot aerials are encapsulated in a water-sealed, durable plastic case. The transceiver
unit is contained in a waterproof aluminum case.
1.2 Equipment category
The RA83/84/85/93/94/95 series of radar is composed of the component units in the
following categories, specified in the IEC 60945 4
edition, Para 4.4.
Antenna Unit (Type RW701A-04/06 or RW701B-09 + RB717A/RB718A/RB719A):
Exposed to the weather (formerly Class X)
Processor Unit (Type RP100A):
Protected from the weather (formerly Class B)
Operation Unit (Type RO100A):
Protected from the weather (formerly Class B)
1.3 EMC compliance statement
This series of equipment has been tested and verified by the CETCOM Germany,
according to the IEC 60945 4
Edition, in terms of Electro Magnetic Compatibility and
atmospheric durability against the maritime environment.