Copyright © 2010 by Kaufman & Robinson, Inc., 1306 Blue Spruce Drive, Unit A, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Tel: 970-495-0187, Fax: 970-484-9350, Internet: www.ionsources.com
The RS-232 remote must be ‘Enabled’ as described in the next section
before the issuing the VRB command. COM - Enable RS-232 Command or Status Query
The COM command will enable, disable or query the status of RS232
remote control of the auto controller depending on the parameter
following it.
The default power-up state is ‘Disabled’. In order to ‘Enable’ the RS232
remote control, ‘Remote’ must be selected using the front panel Local/
Remote button. Once ‘Enabled’, the RS-232 remote control locks out all
front panel controls, except for the ON/OFF switch and Gas Select. The
Gas Select button is left active to allow monitoring of individual gas
channels. Once the RS-232 is ‘Enabled’ the unit must be in ‘Standby’ in
order to return control to the front panel ‘Local’ or rear analog ‘Remote’.
The state of the system can be controlled or queried based on the format
of the command. If the ? character is included in the command, the
present state of RS-232 remote control will be returned.
Command: COM:<parameter> - ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’ RS-232 remote.
Command: COM? – Get the RS-232 remote control state.
1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled
? = Return current state.
COM:1 – Place unit in ‘RS-232 Remote’ control.
If the unit is not in front panel remote and standby, the unit
issues the following response:
“Unit must be in STANDBY AND front panel REMOTE”.
COM:0 – Disable ‘RS232 remote’ control.