DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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- - P e r f
e r f
e r f
e r f
e r f o r
o r
o r
o r
o r m i n g M a n
m i n g M a n
m i n g M a n
m i n g M a n
m i n g M a n u a l O p e r
u a l O p e r
u a l O p e r
u a l O p e r
u a l O p e r aaaaa t i o n s
t i o n s
t i o n s
t i o n s
t i o n s
Shunt / Unshunt State
An input is unshunted if a red annunciator is displayed
However, the input will be shunted by a schedule if no annunciator
is visible, by a door or by another input if the annunciator is grey
, by an operator if the annunciator is grey with a face
momentarily by an operator if the annunciator is grey with a clock
Input in alarm
An input in alarm is activated and unshunted.
Unknown State
The input state is unknown when the system has not communi-
cated with the controller. The unknown state is represented by a
blue question mark on the input.
Communication State
Communication failure or errors are represented by a red question
mark on the input.
Output Operation
This window permits manual operations on outputs such as
activation or deactivation. It also shows the current state of the
Field Definition
Output Name
Label identifying the output in the system. The output name is
located on top of each output graphic.
How to select an output
To select an output just click on the drawing for that output. The
selected output’s name will appear in capital white letters high-
lighted with a blue background. All manual operations are
executed on the selected output.
Press this button to activate an output. It will remain activated until
deactivated by an operator.
Press this button to deactivate an output. It will remain deactivated
until activated by an operator.
Output state
The output state is represented by a drawing of the output. This
drawing can display two states:
1) Activated (green)
2) Deactivated (red)
Unknown State
The output state is unknown when the system has not communi-
cated with the controller. The unknown state is represented by a
blue question mark.
Communication State
Communication failure or errors are represented by a red question
Controller Status
The controller’s status is sorted by peripherals in order of control-
lers, doors, relays, inputs and outputs. All states are displayed in
text format.
Field Definition
Select a controller from the displayed list.
There are two types of status that can be displayed:
Summary: Only displays abnormal or activated conditions.
Complete: Displays a detailed status listing of all components.