W i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
3 0
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3 0
“Printer” button
This printer is used to print events as they occur and recorded by
the system. This is normally used to print events which are of high
importance. The events to print must be defined with a printing
schedule (see Section 6 - Event Definition). You cannot use a
Network printer as a log printer.
Field Definition
Printer Port Selection
Select the LPT Port to which your printer is connected. The default
setting is LPT2.
Number of lines per page
This option is used by the “Log Printer” only. It is used to
determine the number of events to be printed on a page and/or
page breaks. The default value is 60.
“Directory” button
Field Definition
Log directory
This field allows you to select the directory in which the daily event
files of the system will be stored. Events are saved in a daily file
on disk and labeled according to the following format:
YYYYMMDD representing the date (i.e: 20000301.dbf, for March
1st, 2000 events).
Picture directory
This field allows you to select the directory in which the photo files
(bmp, gif, pcx, tif, etc.) will be selected from when assigning
pictures to cardholders in the card definition menu. The default
directory is C:\WINPASS\PICTURE.
“Output timer” button
A list of events is provided by the system. These events control
the time from which the auxiliary outputs (LED & BUZ = light and
buzzer) for the door readers will remain ON or OFF (toggle). Select
the delays at which the output will remain on then go off when its
associated event occurs.
See “Output Definition” menu -- Section 5 to set the status (steady,
flash, steady timed, flash timed and none) of the outputs.
Enter the ON/OFF flash time of the outputs that are programmed
in the auxiliary output definition relative to each event.
“Duress function” button
The manual activation of a silent alarm by entering at the keypad/
reader a code different from the normal arm/disarm code. The
duress feature has to be implemented on an integrated reader/
The chosen code will have to be entered after the NIP once the
access is granted or access denied or both (according to the
duress option chosen) in order to produce either a silent alarm
which is designed to allow a person to call for help without
arousing suspicion.
A choice of using the function on access granted or access denied
or both will be offered. Select which code is to be used from 0 to
9 and #.
Note: “*” is not available with POL/-2KP because there are 2
wires contact for the “*” button.
“Firmware” button
This button is used to select the directory in which the firmware
file for the KT-300 is located. To update the controller’s firmware,
use the Reload function from the Operation menu.