DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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I n s t a l l a t i o n & C o n f i g u r
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t i o n & C o n f i g u r
t i o n & C o n f i g u r aaaaa t i o n
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KT-PC4216 - 16-Zone Output Expansion Module
-PC4216 - 16-Zone Output Expansion Module
-PC4216 - 16-Zone Output Expansion Module
-PC4216 - 16-Zone Output Expansion Module
-PC4216 - 16-Zone Output Expansion Module
The KT-PC4216 module is an open collector to 12 VDC 16- zone
output module. Can be used for elevator access control (may require
additional hardware) or other purposes.
1. Specifications
• 16-output low current module, 12V, 50mA max. each, power drawn
from Combus (since Combus can handle a maximum of 500mA, a
KT-PC4204 module in “repower” mode can be used to increase
the current of the Combus of 1A)
• Connects to KT-300 via 4-wire Combus
• Nominal current draw of 15mA
• Tamper contact input
• Can be used for elevator control
2. Installing the KT-PC4216
The KT-PC4216 package should include the following parts:
• One KT-PC4216 circuit board
• 4 plastic standoffs
The KT-PC4216 should be located inside a compatible cabinet
(Kantech part no. KT-4051CAB), mounted in a dry, secure location.
Preferably, it should be placed at a convenient distance from the
connected devices.
Perform the following steps to mount the unit:
Press the four plastic standoffs through the mounting holes at
back of the cabinet.
Secure the cabinet to the wall in the desired location. Use appropriate
wall anchors when securing the cabinet to drywall, plaster, concrete,
brick or other surfaces.
Press the circuit board into the plastic standoffs to secure the
module to the cabinet.
Once the unit is mounted, wiring may be started.
Installation and Wiring
Before beginning to wire the unit, ensure that all power (AC trans-
former and battery) is disconnected from the controller.
Perform the following steps to complete wiring:
Connect the four Combus wires to the KT-PC4216. Connect
the red, black, yellow and green Combus wires to the RED,
BLK, YEL and GRN terminals, respectively.
Complete all output wiring as illustrated on this page:
Connect the external tamper switch, if used.
Note: Current is drawn from the Combus. May require a KT-PC4204
power supply module if drawing too much current from the Combus.
Consult the wiring diagrams for further information.
Applying Power
After all wiring is completed, apply power to the KT-300. Connect
the battery leads to the battery, then connect the AC transformer.
Note: Do not connect the power until all wiring is complete.
3. Assigning the Module
Follow the instructions below for assigning and programming your
KT-PC4216 module.
Follow these steps to assign the module(s):
Establish communication between the PC and the controller,
Remove the tamper switch wire (or only the wire if tamper
switch is not used),
A serial number should be displayed on the screen. In the same
window where the serial number is located, you should see the
type of module and on which controller it is connected,
From the software, select the functionality of the module and
enter the serial number in the appropriate field (see your
software reference manual under controller definition -- assign
modules for more details).
Note: Don’t forget to reconnect the tamper switch (or the wire, if
there is no tamper switch).
Note: If you are using a KT-PC4204 in “repower” mode on the same
loop, do not use the first relay of the KT-PC4216.