DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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SECTION 6 - - L o g i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - L o g i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - L o g i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - L o g i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - L o g i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Select the schedule according to which events will be displayed
on-screen and saved to disk.
Select the schedule according to which events will be printed on
the log printer (to select a log printer, refer to the Workstation
Configuration menu under printer).
Priority and color
Each event concerning a specific device can be assigned a priority
from 1 to 16 (1 is the highest and 16 the lowest) as well as a display
color. The priority determines the sequence in which alarms, in
the alarm queue, will be displayed to the operator. The priorities
have been preset to the most common values.
You can also select the display color of the event. The color
scheme is preset as: red for alarms, green for normal and restored
events and yellow for warnings and faults.
Specify the schedule during which the system will request that the
operator acknowledges the event by pressing the acknowledg-
ment button. Only an operator who is logged in can acknowledge
Operators can be required to acknowledge certain events such
as alarms or card trace type of events. Events that require operator
acknowledgment have to be defined in Event Definition. When
the operator is required to acknowledge an event, the computer's
audible warning will sound and an alarm window will appear on
the monitor. The alarm event will be displayed with time, date and
the description of the event.
Operator Definition
This screen is used to define the parameters for each operator of
the WinPass system.
Field Definition
Login name
The “login” name is composed of 30 alphanumeric characters or
less. It is used when connecting to the system in order to identify
the operator.
Operator name
The operator name is composed of 30 alphanumeric characters or
Security level
Determines the security level of an operator. The system offers
1 fixed level and 8 programmable levels of security. Security level
“Master” is predefined and allows access to all of the system’s
commands. You must program the other security levels if you want
to limit operator access to commands and/or menu options.
The password is an alphanumeric code of 12 characters or less. It
is required by the system to confirm operator login to WinPass.
When a new operator is created, the default password is identical
to the login name (i.e.: OP002 login name has the password OP002).
To modify the password, delete the asterisks and enter and
confirm the new password. The password is not displayed and
cannot be printed.
Note: The default operator WINPASS has the password
“WINPASS” and security level MASTER.
Login schedule
Select the schedule according to which the operator will be
allowed to log in the system.
Select the operator’s language. Available in English and French.
Search an operator
This option allows you to search for an operator’s record.
1) Click on the Find button,
2) Enter one or more search words i.e.: “Jack”,
3) Click on the Find now to start search,
4) Once the search is terminated, WinPass will display the record
or records found.