Chapter 1 Overview
Introduction to Infinium HD Super Assay
Preparation and Storage of User-Supplied Reagents
Introduction to Infinium HD Super Assay
The Illumina Infinium HD Super Assay is an evolution for DNA analysis, by streamlining sample preparation and
enabling high multiplexing. Using Infinium I and Infinium II probe designs and a dual-color channel approach,
the Infinium HD Super Assay enables the DNA analysis of up to several million of SNPs and CNV markers per
The Infinium HD Super Assay accomplishes this unlimited multiplexing by combining whole-genome
amplification (WGA) sample preparation with direct, array-based capture, and enzymatic scoring of the SNP
loci. Locus discrimination or copy number variation (CNV) determination comes from a combination of high
bead type representation per feature, sequence-specific hybridization capture and array-based, single-base
primer extension. In the case of the Infinium II probe design, the 3' end of the primer is positioned directly
adjacent to the SNP site, or if a nonpolymorphic probe, directly adjacent to the nonpolymorphic site. With the
Infinium I probe design, the 3' end of the primer overlaps with the SNP site. If there is a perfect match,
extension occurs and signal is generated. If there is a mismatch, extension does not occur and no signal is
Allele-specific single base extension of the primer incorporates a biotin nucleotide or a dinitrophenyl labeled
nucleotide. C and G nucleotides are biotin labeled; A and T nucleotides are dinitrophenyl labeled. Signal
amplification of the incorporated label further improves the overall signal-to-noise ratio of the assay.
The Infinium HD Super Assay offers:
High multiplexing
High call rate and accuracy
Unlimited genomewide marker selection
Single tube amplification, single chip, no PCR
Minimal risk of carryover contamination
Low DNA input—200 ng per sample
Walk-away automation using Tecan Genesis or Freedom EVO Robots and Tecan GenePaint system
Compatibility with Illumina iScan and HiScan System
Multiple-sample BeadChip format
Document # 11322427 v03
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.