PC Cards cifX PCI, PCIe, Low Profile PCIe | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120204UM46EN | Revision 46 | English | 2015-12 | Relelased | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2015 EtherCAT
Firmware Versions 2.5 and 4.2
The EtherCAT Slave firmware was revised and completed and is available
in version 4.2 since the third quarter 2013.
Use the EtherCAT Slave firmware in version 4.2 for a new installation,
when you create or develop your application program for the first time.
If you want to change in an existing system from the EtherCAT Slave
firmware version 2.5 to the version 4.2, note the following guidelines:
1. Customize your application program according to the Migration Guide
EtherCAT Slave, Migration from V2.5 to V4.2
If you want to change to V4.2, please check in the Migration Guide
EtherCAT Slave, Migration from V2.5 to V4.2
which changes are
necessary in the application program in order to use version 4.2.
2. Adjust the configuration of your EtherCAT Master device. Use the new
XML file in the configuration software of the EtherCAT Master for this:
Hilscher CIFX RE ECS V4.2.X.xml.
3. Update the EtherCAT Slave firmware in your device to version 4.2.
Note also:
• V1.360.x.x can configure the EtherCAT Slave firmware V2.5
as well as V4.2.10.0 and higher.
netX Configuration Tool V1.0510.x.x can configure the EtherCAT Slave
firmware V2.5 as well as V4.2.
The development of the EtherCAT Slave firmware V2.5 will not be
continued, but this firmware version will be delivered furthermore.
On the Communication Solutions DVD, software and manuals relating to
both firmware versions V2.5 and V4.2 are available:
EtherCAT-Slave V2.5
Directory on the DVD \ File:
EtherCAT-Slave V4.2
Directory on the DVD \ File:
Firmware\CIFX\cifxecs.nxf Firmware\CIFX\ECS V4.X\cifxecs.nxf
Examples and API\0. Header\Firmware\EtherCAT
Slave V2.5.X
Examples and API\0. Header\Firmware\EtherCAT Slave
EDS\EtherCAT\Slave\V2.X\Hilscher CIFX RE ECS
EDS\EtherCAT\Slave\V4.X\Hilscher CIFX RE ECS
Protocol API
Documentation\7. Programming Manuals\EN\3.
Protocol API\EtherCAT Slave V2\EtherCAT Slave
Protocol API 21 EN.pdf
Documentation\7. Programming Manuals\EN\3. Protocol
API\EtherCAT Slave V4\EtherCAT Slave V4 Protocol API
03 EN.pdf
EtherCAT Slave - Migration from Version 2.5 to 4.2 MG 02
Object Dictionary V3 03 API EN.pdf
Table 7: EtherCAT-Slave Firmware Version 2.5 and 4.2, Header, XML and Protocol API