PCL 600
Operators Manual
v 2.0
10.2.3 Conveyors and passive support legs
Disassemble the conveyor into sections. The sections can be stacked onto pallets. Conveyor sections with
cylinders must be separated by wooden supports to prevent damage to the cylinders (below left). Sections
without cylinders should be separated by wooden planks (below centre). Place the support legs in standing
rows on the pallet. These may also be stacked, separated by wooden planks (below right). Secure firmly
before transporting. Total weight = ±3 tons.
10.2.4 Sideways loading chains
Remove the sideways loading chain sections and stand them
on a pallet. These may also be stacked. If stacked, place
wooden planks in between them to stabilise and support and
prevent damage. Before storing, make sure the chains are
lubricated. Once in storage, check the condition of the chains
at regular intervals. Secure firmly before transporting. Total
weight = ± 200 kg.
10.2.5 Infeed and outfeed buffer chains
Disconnect the infeed and outfeed buffer chains and
remove the support legs. The chains can be stood on
a large pallet. A wooden frame must be used to
support and protect the buffer chains. These may also
be stacked as long as they are fully supported by the
wooden frame and do not rest upon each other.
Before storing, make sure the chains are lubricated.
Once in storage, check the condition of the chains at
regular intervals. The support legs can be stored in
the same way as the conveyor legs (see chapter 1.5.3
above). Secure firmly before transporting. Total weight
= ± 1 ton.