PCL 600
Operators Manual
v 2.0
10.2 Storage
In the event that the machine is to be decommissioned the preparations described earlier should be carried
out. To dismantle the machine follow the steps described in the Installation Manual in reverse order. The
weights and packing instructions for the individual machine components are described here below.
10.2.1 Main frame and gripper rail
Remove the complete gripper. Undo the bolts holding the frame sections
together. Undo the bolts holding the support legs to the floor. Stack the
beams and support legs on pallets, place wooden planks between the
beams to prevent damage. Secure firmly before transporting to storage.
10.2.2 Outfeed belt, pusher and table
Separate the table from the outfeed belt and pusher. It is not necessary to remove the support legs. The
table can be stacked on top of the outfeed belt once removed. Place wooden planks between to the two
components to prevent damage. If you wish to stack these items together, remove the legs from the table
and place the frame and toothed rack on top of the outfeed belt components as shown below. Secure firmly
before transporting. Total weight ± 1 ton.