PCL 600
Operators Manual
v 2.0
8.4 Calibrate
The tool calibration is carried out by cutting a small square within a square and measuring the distances
indicated in the ‘Calibrate tool’ dialog. The top right hand corner is cut from the outside square to identify
which side is which.
Create a cutting file
Before programming the cutting file in ProCAM, measure the piece of material you are going to use (as
described in chapter 8.1: Tools and material). Make a note of the width, length and thickness of the flat bar.
The width and thickness should be measured as accurately as possible, the length is less important. The
following steps will guide you through the creation of a part and the programming of the square cut in
1 Open ProCAM with the top button on the right of the touch screen.
2 If it is the first time you have started ProCAM
you will be asked to choose a target machine.
Select your machine, if you have more than one
machine, select the one you wish to calibrate
(refer to the ProCAM manual if you need help).
Open a new file in the ‘File’ menu (top left).
3 ProCAM will automatically create a new project,
assembly and part. If you have not entered a
default profile in ProCAM, you will now be asked to
select a profile for the part. Choose Flat, angle or bulb.
4 In the ‘Design projects’ explorer
(left) click on the project to select it.
In the ‘Properties’ pane (right) click
in the ‘Name’ field. Enter a name for
the project (in the example:
‘Calibration’). Now click on the
assembly and change the name in
the same way (in the example: ‘Tool
calibration’). Now click on the part and enter a name (in the example: ‘Square’). In the
‘Design explorer’ your file should now look like the example shown (above right).
5 Enter the dimensions of the part. Select the part in the ‘Design explorer’. In the
‘Properties’ pane enter the width (weblength), the thickness (webthickness) and the
length (length) of the raw material that you measured.
6 A valid part must always have at least a start cut and an
end cut. The square will be cut between these, an
intermediate cut. To program the cuts, select the ‘MDI’
module by clicking on the button in the toolbar as shown (or
in the ‘Modules’ menu at the top of your screen).