PCL 600
Operators Manual
v 2.0
4.3.3 Information
The top half of the touch screen contains an information window where various information is available to the
operator. The ‘Mode selection’ buttons at the bottom of the section change the information displayed.
Mode selection
Machine status. Contains
information about the
measurements made, position of
the machine and robot axes and
the status of the cutting tool and
machine components.
Production graphic. The upper
window shows information about
the current data file. The lower
window shows an overview of the
production process in the form of
a dynamic graph.
Material specifications. Contains
details about the material, the
current data file and the progress.
Auto Cut List. Shows list of the
data files to be profiled. Files can
be added to or removed from the
list, the profiling order of the files
can also be changed.
4.3.4 Profiling
ProCAM. The ProCAM design
software can be opened from
here allowing design of parts,
nesting in raw materials and the
generation of cutting files.
Select set. This button only
appears once a data file has been
loaded and allows the operator to
select a single cut from a data file
for profiling.
Cutting settings. This button
opens the ‘Cutting settings’
window. The settings can also be
accessed in the ‘Service’ menu in
the menu bar at the top of the
Stop cutting. This button only
appears during profiling and when
pressed stops the cutting process.