7.4 Checking the detection unit and alarm
signal transmission
Trigger the TITANUS MICRO·SENS® and check the transmission path to
the FDCP as follows:
► Enter all values determined in the following steps into the test record
(see chapter "Annex").
► Spray test aerosol either into the first aspiration aperture or into the test
adapter of the pipe system. The alarm can also be triggered by an
activated smoke stick.
► Make sure that the alarm is displayed on the unit.
► Make sure that the alarm LED is flashing during the set delay time.
► Make sure that the alarm LED is permanently illuminated after the set
delay time has elapsed. If this is not the case, check whether:
▪ the display circuit board is connected.
▪ there is a defect in the device.
▪ the detection unit has to be replaced.
► Check whether the alarm is transmitted to the fire detection control panel
and reported on the corresponding detection line. If this is not the case,
check the transmission paths.
► Make sure that the LOGIC SENS function is activated. To test the alarm
triggering by means of test aerosol or smoke stick, it must be
deactivated. This will accelerate the alarm evaluation.