a phone number can be introduced to appear on the ABOUT screen as the maintenance phone
number, so in case there is an urgency, the operator in front of the controller can quickly check the phone number to make a call to the
person in charge / supplier.
Latching relay OFF Delay:
HZI855 has no energy backup. However, there is a function to delay the closing of the latching relays
(OUT 5 & 6) after a few seconds from the loss of supply. This value ( in seconds) can be configured in this maintenance menu.
Inside the parameters there are alarms reserved for services (only accessible with the maintenance password) access path:
PARAMETERS / ALARMS / MAINTEN. ALARMS. This allows the service to set up to 6 alarms of different or the same type.
The options are:
• Cycles Exceeded: maximum number of operation cycles of the switch reached. A cycle considers going from one position to the
opposite on and come back (for example I-II-I or I-off-II-off-I). By default it is set to 5 000 cycles.
• Operations Exceeded: maximum number of operations (change of position, including the off position (if existing) of the switching
device. By default it is set to 10 000.
• Genset runtime S1 or S2: total amount of time that the genset has been working (supplying or not the load). Can be used for genset
maintenance purposes. By default it is set to 900 000s (250h).
• Total time of genset supplying load on S1 or S2: total amount of time that the genset has been supplying the load. Can be used for
genset maintenance purposes. By default it is set to 900 000s (250h).
• Inspection time: counts the time after the last inspection (entered in “Inspection Mode” of the maintenance menu). Can be used for
periodic inspection/service purposes on the ATS. By default it is set to 300 months which is the maximum value. As standard, Hager
recommends 12 months maximum between servicing.
For more information about alarm configuration, see chapter 11.1.6.