Once the configuration starts, the user needs to enter the date format, date and time as follows:
These time/date values will be saved and from that moment the RTC battery will keep the clock running even if the supply to the
controller is lost.
Once these parameters are set, the next step is the sources settings, where the user has to confirm the values proposed by the
controller (in case of smart configuration) or enter the values (in case of manual configuration) for the number of poles of the switch
/ wires coming from the sources, nominal voltage, nominal frequency and phase rotation.
Step 6 is about the installation parameters.
Application type stands for the type of sources coming to the controller. The options are:
• MAIN - GEN (by default): Power supply coming from a transformer as source 1 and from a diesel generator as source 2.
• MAIN - MAIN: Power supply coming from a transformer for both sources 1 and 2.
• GEN - GEN: Power supply coming from a diesel generator for both sources 1 and 2.
Source priority stands for the preferred source in automatic mode when both sources are fully available.
The options are:
• SOURCE 1: the source connected to source 1 sensing on the switch will become the preferred source and the transfer switch will
automatically transfer to this source as long as it is available and the timers are respected.
• SOURCE 2: the source connected to source 2 sensing on the switch will become the preferred source and the transfer switch will
automatically transfer to this source as long as it is available and the timers are respected.
• NO PRIORITY: no preferred source. The switch will stay in the same source as long as it is available and will only transfer
automatically when it will be lost. In case a source comes back the switch will not transfer automatically as long as the current
source is available.
NOTE: It is possible to connect either the transformer or the genset to both source 1 or 2.
Make sure that the settings are matching your
installation for the correct functioning of the transfer