Switch technology stands for the type of switch used with the controller. The options are:
• CIRCUIT BREAKER: to be selected when using 2 separated circuit breakers / air circuit breakers (MCCB or ACB).
• HIB4xxM: to be selected when using a motorized RTSE.
• CONTACTOR: to be selected when using 2 separated circuit contactors.
According to this configuration, the INPUTS and OUTPUTS of the controller to pilot the switch and receive the position feedback
will be automatically configured to match the application requirements (see values by default in chapter and I/O detail in
chapter 11.1.4.) but they can always be modified in the menu PARAMETERS / I/O later on.
The 7th step is not affecting the functioning of the transfer switch but permits the user to select a name for the product. As default,
it’s HZI855, but it can be changed for any combination of letters, numbers and signs, for instance, “Cooling”, “Line 1” or “DTC/21”.
To finalize the configuration, the wizard asks for the communication parameters, such as the slave address (by default 6) and the
communication parameters:
After entering and confirming these parameters, the wizard informs that the minimum parameters needed for the transfer switch to
work are set and invites to go to the menu home screen where the user can set more parameters and functions manually (see next
For a detailed configuration please consult chapter 11