11.1.3. TIMERS parameters menu
All the operational timers can be set on this menu. They are up to 26 general timers splitted into 4 groups:
NOTE: The specific functions with timers are not included in this chapter. Consult the Timers Annex II in chapter 13.2 to have the full list.
Operation timers (6 timers):
• FAILURE TIMER (s): time after source is lost, to make sure it’s really lost and start a transfer.
• RETURN TIMER (s): time after a transformer/main source that was off comes back, to make sure it really came back.
• AVAILABLE TIMER (s): time for a genset/diesel generator source to be on and inside the right defined values to be considered
available and ready to accept a transfer.
• S1 DEAD BAND (s): time to wait without load supply (including source failure time and time in center-off / zero position) when
transfering from S1 to S2.
• S2 DEAD BAND (s): time to wait without load supply (including source failure time and time in center-off / zero position) when
transfering from S2 to S1.
By default, S1 and S2 DEAD BAND are the same and
set to 3 s.
Tests on load (5 timers) and off load (4 timers):
ON/OFF LOAD TEST (limited or unlimited) Limited means there is a defined test time and it will perform the changeover and the
comeback to the prioritary source. Unlimited will require the acceptance from the user to comeback to prioritary source. Otherwise, it
will stay in secondary source waiting confirmation unless the secondary source is lost and prioritary one is available, in that case it will
transfer and end the test automatically (except if the option TEST PRIO has been selected on the NETWORK/APPLICATION menu).
• TEST (s): duration of the test
• TEST ON LOAD END (s): after a test on load (not external), time to wait in secondary source before going back to prioritary source.
• EXT TEST ON/OFF LOAD PRE (s): pre-timer before starting transfer to secondary source on an external test.
• EXT TEST ON/OFF LOAD POST (s): post-timer after finishing the test and going back to prioritary source on an external test.