The controller considers there are 4 levels of user who can use it, so it uses 4 level of security:
• Standard user - it requires no password and it permits the visualization of the parameters and values measured by the controller. It is
the level by default and if another user stays away from the controller for more than 5 minutes with no actions, the security level will
become Standard user automatically.
• Operator - it requires the Operator password (by default 4000, can be changed in the Configurator level inside Parameters). It allows
changing the operating mode, sending position orders to the switch and setting the engine exerciser parameters and alarms.
• Configurator - it requires the Configurator password (by default 1000, can be changed). It allows to change any configuration of the
controller (operating range, timers, type of control, display settings, etc)
• Maintenance - It’s the highest level of security. It requires the maintenance password (by default 1010) and it permits resetting
counters, rebooting the device, changing and restoring passwords of other users and entering inspection date and telephone number.
Passwords by default (factory settings):
User (access to visualization)
No password
Operator (access to control functions)
Configurator (access to parameter setting)
Maintenance (access to service menu)
These default passwords can be changed in the Parameters / Passwords menu (Configurator or Maintenance access).
If the maintenance password is lost it cannot be
restored. Please contact your Hager partner in case this
operation is needed.