8. After the USB stick is inserted, the short download
process may occur. After the download and inser
tions, the screen should appear as shown below.
9. If more than one software file is located in the indi
cated USB directory, press Enter (CF) to make the
selection of the desired file to be programmed to
the token.
10. To start the programming process, press the
soft key.
11. The transfer from the USB stick to the token will
take several minutes. After completion, the screen
should show a 100% completion and the token will
now contain the selected file on the USB stick.
12. To program the HFR with the token software, press
key. If the token will be used for another
system, remove the token and exit the screen(s) by
pressing the Cancel key. Remember to enable the
“Enabled Downloading of USB Logs” option if pre
viously disabled.