ProfiLux 4 Resource Guide
How to setup dosing pump schedules
This section will show you how to create dosing schedules for various kinds of dosing pumps
such as the GHL Doser 2.1, Doser Maxi, and traditional dosing pumps. Depending on the kind of
dosing pump you plan to use, the initial setup steps will vary. These steps apply to Dosing
pumps with a PAB-port and traditional dosing pumps.
Have a GHL Doser?
If you plan to use your ProfiLux 4 to control a GHL doser such as Doser 2.1
or Doser Maxi, the doser must FIRST be assigned to the ProfiLux 4. Please
click the link below and assign the doser to the P4:
Assign PAB-devices to the ProfiLux 4
Once the doser has been assigned, you can proceed with the steps below.
Have a traditional doser?
If you plan to control a traditonal ON/OFF doser such as the ones sold by
BulkReefSupply, please note that it must be connected to a controllable
powerbar outlet.
Don’t forget to
calibrate your dosing pumps!
In order for dosing pumps to provide accurrate dosages, they must first be
calibrated. The accuracy of a dosing pump is dependent on the accurracy of
the calibration. For tips on acheiving maximum accuracy,
Before calibrating, make sure your dosing lines are setup and you have a
collection cup ready. This cup will be used to measure the amount of fluid
dispensed during calibration.