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DHW charging at the nominal setpoint temperature
(1610) always takes place in two stages. In the fi rst
stage, only the heating pump heats the DHW tank.
The power supplied during this time is at its peak.
Then, when the heat pump is no longer able to supply
enough heat to reach the setpoint value, it switches on
the DHW tank auxiliary if authorised. The auxiliary will
be cut off when charging is complete.
While the DHW tank charging process via the electric
auxiliary is fi nishing, the heat pump resumes heating.
Charging Control
Line Nr
Programming line
Switching diff erential
Charging time limitation
Switching diff erential :
If the DHW temperature is lower than the current
setpoint minus the diff erential set here, the DHW
charging process is launched.
It ends when the temperature reaches the current setpoint.
Forced charging is triggered on the fi rst DHW release
of the day.
Charging is also launched when the DHW temperature
is within the diff erential, and as long as it is not less than
1K above the setpoint.
Charging time limitation
During charging, the room heating may be stopped or
insuffi cient. Therefore it is often advisable to limit the
charging process timewise to enable heating.
If "---" has been selected the charging time limitation will
be deactivated. The DHW will be heated to the nominal
setpoint, even if the room heating has not received
enough power in the meantime.
If a value between 10 and 600 is selected, charging will
be suspended after the time period set in minutes, and
will remain suspended over that time before resuming.
The generator power remains available in the meantime
to heat the room. This cycle is repeated until the DHW
nominal setpoint has been reached.
When the room heating is stopped (summer mode,
economy function, etc.), DHW charging remains active,
regardless of the setting.
Line Nr
Programming line
Recooling temp
Recooling collector
Recooling temp
An activated "Recooling" function remains active until
the set recooling temperature in the DHW storage tank
is reached.
Recooling collector
When the collector is cold, surplus energy can be
emitted to the environment via the collector’s surfaces.
Line Nr
Programming line
Electric immersion heater release
Electric immersion heater release
• 24h/day
The heater is continuously active regardless of time
• DHW release
The heater is controlled according to "DHW release".
• Time program 4/DHW
Time program 4/DHW of the local controller is taken into
account for the heater.
Switch-on will actually be in eff ect only if the heater
is able to operate according to the "heater operating
mode" setting.
▼ DHW Tank Functions (with DHW kit or with integrated DHW models)
Waterstage / Maintenance Manual / 2105 - EN