- 75 -
Line Nr
Programming line
Cooling limit at OT
Lock time after end of heating
Cooling limit at OT
If the composite outdoor temperature is higher than
the cooling limit, cooling is released. If the composite
outdoor temperature falls at least 0.5 °C below the
cooling limit, cooling is locked.
Lock time after end of heating
To avoid a quick start of cooling after termination of
heating, the cooling function is locked for a time period
which can be adjusted with this setting. The lock time
starts when there is no valid heating demand from
heating circuit 1. Heating demands from heating circuits
2 or P are ignored.
Switching off and switching on again the mode selection
key causes the lock time to be interrupted.
Summer Compensation
Line Nr
Programming line
Summer comp start at OT
Summer comp end at OT
Summer comp setp increase
In summer the "cooling comfort setpoint" (902)
is gradually increased according to the outdoor
temperature. This saves on cooling power and prevents
the diff erences between the ambient temperature of the
room and the outdoor temperature being too high.
The resulting "room temperature setpoint" (cooling) can
be viewed in the Info section.
Summer compensation start at OT
Summer compensation starts to be active from the
outdoor temperature defi ned here. If the outdoor
temperature continues to rise, the comfort setpoint will
be gradually increased.
Summer compensation end at OT
At this outdoor temperature the summer compensation
reaches its peak effi ciency (920). If the outdoor
temperature continues to rise, it will no longer infl uence
the comfort setpoint.
Summer compensation setpoint increase
This setting defi nes the highest value to which the
comfort setpoint can be increased.
Flow Setpoint Limitation
Line Nr
Programming line
Flow temp setp min at OT 25 °C
Flow temp setp min at OT 35 °C
It is possible to assign a lower limit to the cooling fl ow
temperature. The limitation line will be defi ned by two
reference points. In addition the resulting fl ow setpoint
will have a lower limit and may not be less than 5 °C.
Flow temp setp min at OT 25 °C
Determines the lowest fl ow temperature for a composite
outdoor temperature of 25°C.
Flow temp setp min at OT 35 °C
Determines the lowest fl ow temperature for a composite
outdoor temperature of 35 °C.
If no outdoor temperature is available, the controller will
use the "Min. fl ow setpoint at OT= 35 °C" parameter.
Waterstage / Maintenance Manual / 2105 - EN