12 - 7
Any record range can be set for each individual channel
Any type of input can be specified for each individual channel
Function for skipping the records, indications and alarms at any measure-
ment point
Dates, times and the measured values and units for each channel are printed
Dates, times, recording ranges, scaling, units, input types, alarm set values,
recording paper feed speed and Tag Nos. are printed out.
All the types of characters and color patterns are printed out.
Time lines, dates, times, recording paper feed speed and measured values
for each channel are printed out at set intervals of time.
The keyboard can be used to allow or to prohibit print-outs.
Messages of up to 10 kinds and 16 characters which have arbitarily
specified are printed. Message print is started when the contact is closed.
The times of detection of alarms and clearing of alarms, the channel Nos.
alarm types and output relay Nos. are printed out.
F, %, mV, mA, kg/cm
and other working units are displayed. (Units
can be specified from the keyboard.)
In the case of DC voltage input, any scaling is possible. Any specification
in the range -32767 to 32767, with the decimal point anywhere, is possible.
The differences between any specified channels are recorded. (Channels
are specified from the keyboard.)
Function whereby if input goes above or below the current range the range
is automatically changed and the change is recorded (specified for the
However, this function cannot be used if zone recording or zoom recording
is used.
Function for effecting recording with the recording area divided into a
maximum of 4 zones.
However, this function cannot be used if auto-range recording or zoom
recording is used.
Function for effecting recording with one part of the recording area for each
channel enlarged and another reduced.
However, this function cannot be used if auto-range recording or zone
recording is used.
DC voltage input
calculations can be performed.
input is permitted with DC voltage input. Display, 1.0E-9 to 1.0E+9.
To set zero shift and gain shift of measured value.
Arbitrary range setting
Arbitrary specification
of input signals
Skip function
values list
Set values list
Test pattern
Periodic print-out
Message print function
Alarm print-out function
Units display
Scaling function
Difference records
Auto-range change
Zone recording fuction
Zoom function
Square root extraction
Logarithmic calculation
PV shift function
List print-
out function
Standard functions
Optioanl accessories (available separately)
Article name
Shunt resistance
0.1%, for 4 to 20mA DC, 10 to 50mA DC input