Upgrading Software Images and Configuration Files
December 2008
© 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc.
To schedule a system reload from the secondary flash one day and 12 hours later, enter the following command at
the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:
NetIron# reload after 01:12:00 secondary
reload after <dd:hh:mm> [primary | secondary]
<dd:hh:mm> is the number of days, hours, and minutes.
specifies whether the reload is to occur from the primary code flash module or the
secondary code flash module.
Displaying the Amount of Time Remaining Before a Scheduled Reload
To display how much time is remaining before a scheduled system reload takes place, use one of the following
To display how much time is remaining before a scheduled system reload, enter the following command from any
level of the CLI:
NetIron# show reload
Canceling a Scheduled Reload
To cancel a scheduled system reload, enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI:
NetIron# reload cancel
Diagnostic Error Codes and Remedies for TFTP Transfers
If an error occurs with a TFTP transfer to or from a NetIron MLX Series or NetIron MLX Series router, one of the
following error codes are displayed.
Explanation and action
Flash read preparation failed.
A flash error occurred during the
Retry the download. If it fails again,
contact customer support
Flash read failed.
Flash write preparation failed.
Flash write failed.
TFTP session timeout.
TFTP failed because of a time out.
Check IP connectivity and make sure the
TFTP server is running.
TFTP out of buffer space.
The file is larger than the amount of space
on the device or TFTP server.
If you are copying an image file to flash,
first copy the other image to your TFTP
server, then delete it from flash. (Use the
erase flash
... CLI command at the
Privileged EXEC level to erase the image
in the flash.)
If you are copying a configuration file to
flash, edit the file to remove unneeded
information, then try again.