EM TEST (Switzerland) GmbH
PFM 200N100.1
User’s Guide
Ver. 1.12
36 / 43
E-14 Connector Interruption
The line interruption of connectors is simulated.
Test Sequence
Each connector must be removed from the DUT for 10 s and then replaced. If the DUT has
several connectors, each connector must be tested individually. The test sequence must be
variable. In case that there are multiple connectors, every connector must be tested.
generator for this test is the PFM 200N100.1 with two power lines and 16 Signal or Data lines.
DUT Operating Mode
Operating mode II.a and II.c
Number of cycles
Each connector must be removed once.
Number of DUTs
At least 6
Test Case
Figure 9.1
Each connector must be removed from the DUT for 10 s and then replaced