EM TEST (Switzerland) GmbH
PFM 200N100.1
User’s Guide
Ver. 1.12
26 / 43
Reference Measurement
One reference measurement each with 100 Ω (±5%) and 1 Ω (±5%) as a DUT substitute must be
performed and documented. Verification of the edge steepness must be provided with this test setup.
Low-inductance parts must be used as resistors.
Figure 7.9: Setup for Reference Measurement with 1 Ω and 100 Ω
The verification resistors are rated for the following long-term power:
Power at 11 V DC
100 Ω
1,21 W
1 Ω
121 W
Heating of the
1 Ω Reference Load
The 1
Ω reference load should be only connected to the PFM 200N100.1 after the
test has been started. After the test, the resistor should be quickly removed from
the PFM 20N100.1.
If 11V power is used for a long time, the 1 Ω reference load consumes 121 W and will
begin to become warm. This warming can be severe and may result in burns when
The verification test should only use a duty cycle of 1:10 so that the heating is only 1/10
as strong
results in moderate heating (<45 ºC).
For safety, EM TEST recommends the use of the CA LV 124 kit, connected only during the verification
of PFM 200N100.1.