Zero 88 FLX Lighting Console
User Manual
Load File
The single “Load File” window can load several different
types of files:
ZerOS Showfiles
Any ZerOS Showfile can be loaded onto the FLX from a
USB Storage Device. For
compatibility, it is
suggested that both consoles are running the same
software version.
When loading a showfile, all information on the console will
be lost. Therefore, ensure you save your current show first
before loading another file.
To load a show, press Setup and then choose
Load File
on the left hand side of the display. If you have
more than one USB Storage Device connected, select the
required device on the top dropdown. If the device does
not appear straight away, wait a few seconds and then
A list of show files on the currently selected storage device
appears on the touch screen. Select the show file you wish
and press
to load the show. The console will load the
show into its memory and you will automatically leave
When loading a ZerOS Showfile, you are given three
“Load Complete Show”, “Load Setup Only” and
“Load Setup & Palettes”. L
oading a complete show brings
the console back to the same settings that were defined
when the show was stored - Patch information, Cue
Information, UDKs, Palettes, Groups, Macros, Desk Setup
and Network settings will all be restored.
ASCII Showfiles
ASCII showfiles are a generic file format that can be
shared between a range of consoles from a range of
manufactures. FLX can load ASCII showfiles using the
same method as detailed above for ZerOS Showfiles.
The ASCII showfile specification has several limitations,
such as only supporting dimmer channels (not moving
lights etc) and a basic cue stack. However it is very useful,
especially when touring.
User Fixture Types
User Fixture Types are files created when a required
fixture is not included within the Zero 88 Fixture Library.
These files are loaded into the console using the same
method as detailed within “ZerOS Showfiles”. Once
loaded, a confirmation will appear saying “x Fixture Types
loaded” (x bei
ng the number of fixtures included within the
single file). These will be loaded into the main library,
ready to be patched in the usual way.
(See “
on page 37 for more information)
Zero 88 Fixture Library
The Zero 88 Fixture Library contains a library of many
thousand fixtures you may wish to use with FLX. This
library is regularly updated, and can be downloaded free of
charge from the Zero 88 website. These files are loaded
into the console using the same method as detailed within
“ZerOS Showfiles”. Once loaded, the new library will not
take effect until the console has been restarted (which can
be done straight away, or at a more convenient time later).
(See “
37 for more information).
Installing new software
ZerOS, the software running on FLX, is regularly updated
as a free update from the Zero 88 website. This software is
loaded into the console using the same method as detailed
within “ZerOS Showfiles”. Once loaded, you will be
required to restart the console before you can continue.
The software installation process completely removes all
data on the console, including any current show files. If the
current show file is still required, please ensure that
backups are taken before proceeding with the update.
After completing the update you may re-load your show if