Beechcraft Bonanza 15e ARF Assembly Manual
Step 2
Plug the nosewheel steering servo into an auxiliary
channel. Because of the interaction between rudder
and elevator servos during V-tail operation, the
rudder and nosewheel steering servos cannot be
connected with a Y-harness.
Step 3
Perform steps 4 through 8 on pages 50 and 51 to
make the remainder of the connections.
Step 4
When setting up the model it will be necessary to
enable the V-tail mixing function, and also create a
mix to operate the nosewheel steering. The rudder
channel will be the master, and the nosewheel
steering the slave channel. Refer to the instructions
provided with your radio to set up the mix.
Radio Connections for Retracts
Step 1
Plug the single lead of the 3-into-1 harness provided
with the retracts into the gear channel of the receiver.
Step 2
Connect the leads from each of the retract units to the
female connectors of the 3-into-1 harness.
Control Throws
1. Turn on your transmitter and reduce the travel
volume for the flap channel to a value of 50% in each
direction from center. This will prevent overdriving
the flap and damaging the servo or linkage.
2. Turn on the receiver of your model. Check the
movement of the rudder using the transmitter. When
the stick is moved right, the rudder should also
move right. Reverse the direction of the servo at the
transmitter if necessary.
3. Check the movement of the elevator with the
radio system. Moving the elevator stick toward the
bottom of the transmitter will make the airplane
elevator move up.
4. Check the movement of the ailerons with the
radio system. Moving the aileron stick right will
make the right aileron move up and the left aileron
move down.
5. Check the movement of the flaps with the radio
system. With the flap switch in the up position, the
flaps should be aligned with the fixed portion of the
trailing edge. It is important that each flap travels
equally throughout its range of motion.
6. Adjust the servo travel settings in your radio while
using a ruler to set the throw of the rudder, elevator,
ailerons and flaps.