Beechcraft Bonanza 15e ARF Assembly Manual
Step 13
Slide the silicone keeper on to the base of the clevis
so that it will be accessible after the servo hatch is
Step 14
Deflect the flap so that the horn on the leading edge
is accessible. Insert the flap pushrod through the
wing trailing edge with the bend facing outboard
(towards the right hand wing tip) and connect the
clevis to the flap horn.
These instructions illustrate the right-hand flap
servo installation. When performing this step for the
left-hand flap, the pushrod will also have its bend
facing towards the right-hand wing tip.
Step 15
Connect a 6-inch servo extension lead to the flap
servo. Use dental floss to secure the connectors.
Step 16
Apply a small drop of thin CA to the flap servo
hatch mounting holes in the wing. Allow the CA to
cure completely without using accelerator.
Step 17
There is a string provided in the wing to pull the
servo leads through the wing. Tape the string to the
aileron and flap servo extension leads and use it to
draw the leads through the wing to the exit hole on
top of the center section.
Use tape and a felt-tipped pen to label the
aileron and flap servo leads where they
exit the wing.