Beechcraft Bonanza 15e ARF Assembly Manual
Step 10
Trial fit the spinner cone on the base. Carve a relief
for the propeller on each side of the spinner cone as
necessary with a hobby knife so that it fits against
the base without distortion.
Step 11
Remove the spinner cone. Loosen the prop nut and
slide the assembly onto the motor shaft against the
silicone keeper. Use the shaft of a hex wrench or
screwdriver to tighten the spinner nut.
Step 12
Use the spinner base and the trim stripes as a
reference to position the cowling on the fuselage.
Space the front face of the cowling 1/16 inch behind
the rear edge of the spinner base then tape the cowl
in place with low-tack tape.
Step 13
Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the cowl screw
locations on the cowling.
Step 14
Remove the propeller, spinner base and cowling
from the fuselage. Use a 1/16-inch drill bit in a pin
vise to drill the mounting holes in the cowl at the
marked locations.
Step 15
Remove the card stock tabs. Apply 1–2 drops of thin
CA to each of the cowl screw holes in the fuselage.
Allow the CA to dry completely without using