Managing the DECserver 90L
-> SET
|1 PORT_1*
|2 PORT_2
|3 PORT_3
|4 PORT_4
|5 PORT_5
|6 PORT_6
|7 PORT_7
|8 PORT_8
|S Server
|P Password
|A Authorized
|M Manager
|PORT_8*|1 38400*|E Enable*|E Enable*|T Term*
|L Local*
|E Enable
|Y Yes
|2 19200 |D Disable|D Disable|P Printer|R Remote
|D Disable*|N No*
9600 |C Clear
|C Clear
4800 |
2400 |
1200 |
|3 9600
|E Enable |E Enable |P Printer|R Remote
|D Disable |N No
-> %DS90L-100, Parameters Have Been Changed
Setting Port Parameters By Command Line
Command line mode allows a port’s parameters to be set with a single
entry. If you do not want to change a parameter, an entry in that field is
not required.
The format for the command line is as follows:
-> SET <port>,<name>,<speed>,<IFC>,<OFC>,<device>,<break>,<rem_mod>,<test>