Disconnecting an Interrupted Terminal Session
After you interrupt a terminal session, you might change your mind and
decide not to resume the session. In this case, you can disconnect the
session by typing the disconnect symbol ‘‘<’’ or D[ISCONNECT] at the
DECserver 90L prompt. The following is an example of disconnecting an
interrupted terminal session.
When you disconnect an interrupted session, your session is stopped and
the DECserver 90L prompt appears on your terminal.
Entering the disconnect command when there is no interrupted
session to resume causes the port to enter its power-up state
(non-autobaud state).
Using a Printer
Any of the ports on your DECserver 90L can be set for use with a
printer. This is usually done by the person responsible for managing
the DECserver 90L. Chapter 4 contains information on how to set a port
for use with a printer.
DECserver 90L Commands
The commands used to establish and control a terminal session and
to manage the DECserver 90L are described in Table 3–1. Chapter 4
provides a detailed description of the SET and SHOW commands and how
they are used to manage the DECserver 90L.