CY8CKIT-025 PSoC® Precision Analog Temperature Sensor Expansion Board Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-65791 Rev. *J
Example Projects
The following sections provide a detailed description of these example projects.
This example project demonstrates high-precision, high-accuracy, multi-channel temperature sens-
ing using PSoC.
Project Description
This project displays the temperature measured using a thermocouple, IC sensor, thermistor, RTD,
and two diodes. It also provides steps to calibrate the RTD, diode, and IC. The user interface of this
example is controlled by two CapSense
buttons, a CapSense slider, two mechanical push buttons,
and a character LCD.
When the example project for CY8CKIT-030 is programmed, the LCD displays a welcome message
for one second. It then displays the temperature from the thermocouple, which is the first item in the
user selectable menu. CapSense buttons P5_5 and P5_6 act as the scroll down and scroll up menu
buttons, respectively. A mechanical switch connected to P6_1 is used to proceed through various
calibration steps. A CapSense slider is used to set the calibration temperature.
The menu has the following items:
Thermocouple temperature display
IC temperature display
Thermistor temperature display
RTD temperature display
Diode1 temperature display
Diode2 temperature display
Simultaneous temperature display labels (see
Simultaneous temperature display from all 6 sensors (see
Calibrate RTD temperature
Calibrate Diode1 temperature
Calibrate Diode2 temperature
Calibrate IC sensor temperature
In the simultaneous display, the first row displays the temperature of the thermocouple, IC, and
thermistor. The second row displays the temperature of the RTD, diode 1, and diode2, as shown in
Figure 5-3. Simultaneous Temperature Display Labels